Indian singing superstar turned actor Ammy Virk flew into Birmingham for the world premiere of his new Panjabi film Aaja Mexico Challiye. The lavish premiere at Vue cinema Star City organised by Whitehill Studio UK was attended by high profile guests and saw the popular star interact with fans, who turned out in force to support his latest movie. He has also produced the newly released film, which is a first of its kind story of Indian immigrants. Ammy Virk said, “My latest movie is no less important than my last film 83’ and focuses on a different kind of reality that affects people in small-town India who are chasing big dreams.”
The powerful story of a young Indian man who decides to enter the USA through the ‘donkey route’ by crossing the jungles of Mexico and faces incredible challenges shows the harrowing plight of immigrants in a unique way. The eye-catching film has received positive reviews since it hit cinemas globally and is another triumph for the rapidly growing Panjabi film industry.
The film was shot entirely during Covid-19 and saw the team overcome various challenges to get it made. Writer/director Rakesh Dhawan assembled a talented cast for the deeply emotional film and praised Ammy Virk for his commitment to the project. He said: “For an important film like this to get made it needs a visionary like Ammy Virk to fully support it. Thanks to him we are able to bring this film to audiences, which is not only a gripping and entertaining drama, but also a story that highlights a real-life issue.”
Leading distributor Whitehill Studio immediately picked up the film for a worldwide release and are pleased with the audience reaction so far. Representative of Whitehill Studios UK, Manjot Bajwa said. “Aaja Mexico Challiye will attract all types of audience and is very much aimed at all ages. There is everything from comedy to drama and heartfelt emotion. We are proud to be part of the international release journey of this very important movie.”
The critically film is another triumph for established Panjabi star Ammy Virk, who was last seen playing a key role in mega-budget Bollywood blockbuster 83’, which revolves around India’s history-making win at the 1983 cricket world cup. He also delivered the music for Aaja Mexico Challiye, which adds to his impressive track record as a chart-topping singer and acclaimed actor.